Major National Parks of Pakistan


National Park

It is an area which is conserved or protected by the state, and recognized by the national government.

It is usually build on land, sometimes in sea or fresh water. Often made for the conservation or protection of wildlife animals and plants, also for the excursion and enjoyment of the general public. National parks come under the Category II type of the IUCN. There are thousands of national parks in the world. The 1st one was established in USA in 1872.

National Park is relatively large area where

Human activities are prohibited and Ecosystem cannot be altered by them

Well managed work done by the Govt. to prevent exploitation

Some conditions apply on the visitors while visiting the national park

There are following main purposes of establishing national parks


For Recreation purposes

To protect the biodiversity, natural resources for the future generations

In Pakistan there are 29 National parks, located in different cities and conserving number of Fauna and Flora species. Some of the important National Parks of Pakistan are as under

Kirthar National Park

Hingol National Park

Ayubia National Park

Chitral Gol National Park

Machiara National Park

Deosai National Park

Lal Suhanra National Park

Hazarganji National Park

Margalla National Park

Khujenrab National Park

Central Karakoram National Park

Saiful Muluk National Park

1. Hingol National Park

It’s located in Balochistan, along the Makran coast. Pakistan’s largest National Park, and about 190KM from the Karachi. Hingol National park was established in the 1988 and it covers an area of 165700 hectors. It spreads over three districts of Baluchistan i.e. Lasbella, Gawader and Awaran. By recent it has been merged with another Park and new name is Dharune-Hingo National Park. The area of park possesses a big biodiversity of vegetation topographical features. The land of the park is coastal semi-desert due to large tracts of drift sand. Hingol river estuary linked with this park thus hold up a large diversity of fish and bird species.


It has been estimated that Hingol National park protects around Mammal species 35, Reptiles along with amphibian species estimated around 65, and Birds species around 185. It also known to support number of endangered species. There are number of crocodiles in Hingol river and it nurtures them for centuries.  Threatened and endemic species of fish like Mahasheer, marsh crocodile, Green marine Turtles and Olive Ridley and some of the dolphins live there. This park proved to be the best habitat for wild animals like Ibexes over 3000, Chinkaras more than 1200 and Urials around 1500, also number of migratory birds. Houbara is major bird along with Dalimatian and billed pelican are among the visitors of this park. Some other mammals that protected here include Sindh Leopard, Indian fox and Jungle cat, Golden Jackle.
Some main Reptiles which are protected here are, Desert Monitor, Marsh Crocodile, Green sea Turtle, Indian Fringe-fingered Lizard.
Main birds includes, Imperial and Golden Eagle, Eagle Owl, Sind pied woodpecker, Finch Lark, Hoopoe etc. Amphibians include Skittering frog, Indus valley toad. Major Fish include Golden Mahasheer, Botchee.



There is wide variety of topographical feature and habitats in Hingol national park, so it supports a large variety of plants in its land. It has been recorded that around 250 plant species are habitant of this park. Among which 7 are still undescribed. Work is underway to collect more species in this park.

2.     Kirthar National Park

It’s the 2nd largest national park of Pakistan. It covers an area of around 3087 square kilometers. It was established in 1974; in 1975 it gained the National park status and was the 1st Pakistani National park which was included in the United Nation’s National park list of world. It is included under the conservation category II area. It protects a wide variety of Fauna and Flora. It is located in the south-west of the Sindh and having a historical place like Ranikot Fort. It has mostly dry and arid land, hilly and rocky terrains, and endless landscape of desert. Area is also known as Kirthar Mountain range. Area was available for hunting before 1974. Hub lake is also present which covers area around 82 square KMs. The climate of the park is same as of the Sindh, hot and drier in summer months while humid and little cool in winter. Rainfall usually occurs in monsoon.

Fauna and Flora

As it has extensive range of hilly mountains which are twisted and proved to be refuge for the variety of animals. Exact number of animals is not known here however since 1972, none of the animal been shot to date. Las animal who was shot was Leopard. Many endangered species of animals are being protected in this park. Threatened species like desert lynx is protected here. It is estimated that around 26 species of the mammals are protected in this park. Main includes Indian Fox, Jungle cats, Indian Leopard, Urials, Chinkara Gazelles, Striped Haynas, Sindh Ibex, and some other goat and sheep species. Bird species includes Vultures, larks, eagles, and Kingfisher. Blackbuck antelopes are kept in enclosures for a reintroduction project at Kirthar National Park.

There is very limited flora found in this park as most of the topographical area is hilly and dry. However some of the weeds and plant species are still found and protected here.

3.     Ayubia National Park

It is small national park situated in Murre hills. It was established in 1984 east to the Khyber Pakhtonkhwa.

It was named after president of Pakistan Gen. Ayub Khan. Initially covered an area of 1684 hectares but in 1998 it was extended to 3312 hectares. It is managed by the wildlife and forest department of the KPK and main purpose of establishing it to preserve the temperate forests. Seven major villages and 3 towns Thandiani, Nathiagali, and Khanspur surround the National Park. The climate of the park is cold in summer and harsh in the winter. During winter the park is covered with snow falling. Rain is frequent during monsoon.  Rainfall is around 1234cm, and temperature remains cool 3 degrees Celsius to 11 degree Celsius.

Major Fauna and Flora

This park provides protection and support to the vast variety of the animals, like black bear and elusive leopard. It supports around 31 species of mammals which include Asiatic leopard, Kashmir Hill fox, Red Flying squirrel, Masked Civet, Rhesus Macaque. This park anchors 203 species of birds so bird watching is excellent here. Some of the major bird species includes Collard Dove, Spotted Dove, Vulture, Golden Eagle, Hawk, Eurasian Sparrow, Hill pigeon, Khilij pheasant having 30 species, honey buzzard, Kastrel, Indian Sparrow hawk.
This park is rich in flora, so plays key role in protecting the plant species of Pakistan. It has temperate coniferous forest, broadleaf and mixed forest also the habitants of this park. It is estimated that park contains around 104 species of the plants the major ones includes Cedrus Deodara, Blue pine, Yew, Silver Fir, Oak, House chestnut. 19 families of 21 plants have medicinal properties and widely used in snake bite, diabetes, stomach ulcers and Jaundice and some of the internal infections.

4.      Chitral Gol National Park

It is located in the KPK, on the land of Kafir Kalash and the beautiful Gol valley of Chitral. Snowy mountains and pine trees surrounds this park. It covers an area of around 7780 hectares. It was established in 1984. Annual rainfall is pretty good estimated around 462 ml. Often snow falling in the winter season and generally the weather is clod. Temperature ranges from the -12.3 to 43 degrees Celsius.

Major Fauna and Flora

Some glaciers are also part of the park so there is vast variety of animals protected in the park. Especially Markhor is found abundantly. It has the big population of the Astor Markhor. Besides this some other animals like Siberian Ibex, Red wolf, snow leopard, asian leopard, Ladkh Urial, Asian black bear. Common birds found are golden eagle, himaliyan Vulture, snow patridge, demoiselle crane.

It also hosts and protects the biodiversity of plants. Cedar tree are found in numbers in the park.

5.      Machiara National Park

This park is located in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir, in Neelam Valley. It was established in 1996. It covers an area of 13532 hectares.  It is kind of forest. It is most unique in a sense that it protects amazing birds like Tragopan Pheasants. It is bird of western countries. People visit this park for recreational activities, research and surveys. The main purpose of this park is to protect the plant and animal species for the development of the country.

Major Fauna and Flora

Animals like leopard, Tigers and Lions, monkeys, Wolves are the habitant of this park. Different kinds of other animal species like Brooke’s leaf-warbler, Melanocephalus, Cheer pheasants catreus wallichi, white cheeked-tit Aegithalos leucogeny’s, Western Tragopan some more are protected here.
Flora of this park mostly consists of coniferous trees. Some other weeds and herbs some small plants having medicinal importance are present here.

6.      Deosai National Park

It’s located in Gilgit Baltistan within Sakrdu District. It’s northern Pakistan which is south to the Indus river. It is among the world’s highest altitude alpine plain about 4114 meters above the sea level. It was established in 1993 and covers an area of 358400 hectares. 

It has eroded soil, which is mixed with gravel and stone having various sizes and material. Between the mountains the soil is deep with marshy vegetation. The purpose of this park is to protect some of the endangered species.

Fauna and Flora

Protection of the Himalayan Brown Bear was the main objective of this park and also its habitat. There were only 19 in numbers in 1993, but now in Deosai park in 2005 the number was 40, and the bear has hope for its survival. Deosai plains also habitat for griffon vulture, snowcock, red fox, Himalayan Ibex, grey wolf, musk deer, golden mamok, golden eagle, lagger falcon and Indian sparrow hawk.

Deosai Park protected flora includes trees, herbs and shrubs. Here snow covers remains for almost 7 months in a year. Area is rich in medical plants, like Thymu linearis, Artemisia maritime, Ephedra intemedia. Some other species of flora includes, Bromus Oxyodon, carex cruenta etc.

7.     Lal Suhanra National Park

It was declared as park in 1972 after the recommendation by the Wildlife inquiry committee in 1971. It covers an area of 31368 hectares. This park located in the Bahawalpur district of the Punjab. It’s also regarded as the one of the largest park in the south Asia. UNESCO declared it as Biosphere reserve. The land area of the park is diverse which includes forest, wetland and desert. The primary purpose of establishing this park is to preserve the Chinkara and Black buck.

Fauna and Flora

There is number of animal species are protected here, some major mammals include, Rabbits bustards, Wild cats, Deer which have desert habitats. Indian Rhino and Nilgai are also bred in this park. Red fox, Bengal fox, Indian Wolf, Wild Boar, Mongoose are also habitant of this park. Among the reptiles species monitor lizards and Russell’s Viper, Indian Cobra, viper, wolf snake; spiny tails lizards are protected here. Around 160 bird species are found here, major one includes Houbara Bustard, Griffon Vulture, Kestrel, Lagger Falcon, Marsh harrier, Indian Sparrow Hawk, Honey Buzzard etc.

Among flora Trees herbs and shrubs a large biodiversity is found here.

8.     Hazarganji Chiltan National Park

It’s located in Balochistan, in Mastung District. In the east of it is Hazarganji and in west is Chiltan so the name indicates.  It was established in 1978 and covers an area of 325000 acres, close to Kohi Chiltan near Quetta. The park is among the suleman mountain range, desert and forest habitats. This main objective of the establishment of this park is to protect the endangered Chiltan wild goats and Markhors. At present the total population of Chiltan goats is around 800.

Major Fauna and Flora

Mammals of this park include Desert Hare, Jackal, Indian wolf, Caracal, Stripped Hyena, Leopard, Porcupine, Red fox. Birds include Scops owl, common cuckoo, Houbara Bastard, Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Honey Buzzard, Laggar Falcon, Kestrel, Rock partridge, Chukor, Indian Sparrow hawk,  peregrine Falcon, European bee eater, Blue rock thrush, Desert finch. Some major reptiles include, spiny tailed lizard, monitor lizard, Russell’s snake, viper snake and saw scaled vipers.
There is wide variety of flora is also found here which include Pashtun Juniper Tree, Pistachio, Almond, ash, and wild figs.

9.      Margalla Hills National Park

It’s located in Himalayan range of mountains. It was established in 1980 in north of the Islamabad and covers an area of around 1200 Hectares. Topography of the area is rugged, many steep slopes, and number of valleys. River Kurang drain this area. Its 550 to 1500 meter above the sea level. This park is rich in biodiversity 600 plant species, 250 bird species, 38 mammal species, and 13 species of reptiles. This park is rich in Sino-Himalayan Fauna, Leopard and barking deer.

Fauna and Flora

It has wide variety of mammals like Porcupine, Indian Leopard, Gray goral, Barking Deer, Wild Boar, Golden Jackal, Red Fox, Rhesus Macaque, Leopard cat, Chinkara gazelle, bats, and pangolin are habitants and protected here. Bird species which are protected here include, Griffon Vulture, Collard Dove, Larks, Shrikes, Khalij Pheasant, Indian Sparrow Hawk, Egyptian Vulture, falcons, eagles and black partridge. Some of the reptile species include, Indian cobra, Russell’s viper, saw scaled viper, Himalayan pit viper are habitants of this park.

This park has diverse flora, vegetation on southern side is limited like Deciduous and evergreen trees and diverse shrubs, while in north side pines and Oaks.

10.         Khujenrab National Park

It’s Pakistan’s 3rd largest National Park, which is located in Gilgit Baltistan. It was established in 1979 and occupies and area of around 226913 Hectares. It is adjacent to the Taxkorgan reserves China. This national is included in one of the highest National parks of the world; approximate elevation is around 4000 meter above sea level. It was basically built to protect the Marko polo sheep along with snow leopard and bharal. Borders of this park were mapped in 1974. It is category II national park marked by IUCN.

Fauna and Flora

Mammalian species which are protected here are Marko polo sheep which is endangered species, snow leopards only 300 in numbers here, Himalayan Ibex, Red fox, brown bear, Tibetan Wolf, Blue sheep, Western Kiang, Beach Martan, dhole, cape hare, wood mouse, Etruscan Shrew, long tailed marmot etc. There is also a wide variety of bird species particularly; Indian Eagle owl, Barn Swallow, Eurasian Magpie, Common Raven, Alpine chough, Common Cuckoo, Eurasian Eagle owl, snow pigeon, Hill pigeon, Grey Heron, Himalayan snowcock, Saker Falcon, Lesser Kestrel, Eurasian Sparrow Hawk, Himalayan Vulture, and Bearded Vulture etc.

There is wide variety of plant species is protected in the Khunjerab National park, among which some have great medicinal importance and usage. 

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